CorPower joins United Nations’ Sustainable Blue Economy Seminar

CorPower will join a special webinar co-hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative and the Government Offices of Sweden on Oct 21.

CEO Patrik Moller will appear on a panel discussion running from 11.00-12.00 CEST detailing how financial institutions can support and benefit from ocean health. Other panellists include Beate Hollweg EEA, Helen Agren Government of Sweden, Jean-Baptiste Jouffray SRC, Vermund Olsen Storebrand, Dennis Fritsch UNEP FI.

A healthy ocean is key for a sustainable future both for people and the planet. In economic terms the annual value of produced goods and services is estimated at USD 2.5 trillion per year, equivalent to the world’s 7th largest economy. However, ocean health is under threat, faced with the triple crises of pollution, nature loss and climate change.

Public and private sector actors provide the financing, investment and insurance required to power ocean-linked sectors. Whilst ocean-based industries such as shipping, seafood, coastal tourism, and marine renewable energy provide significant contributions to national and global economies, unsustainable activities have led to severe damage to ocean health and the resource base on which communities and many sectors depend.

The transition to a sustainable blue economy is an opportunity for financial institutions, governments and other stakeholders to re-cast how we use, manage, and protect ocean resources in line with the UN SDGs 13 – Climate Action, 14 – Life Below Water and 15 – Life on land.

However, for most financial institutions, whether investors, insurers or banks, and regardless of focus, size or breadth, the ocean and marine ecosystems are unchartered territory. Join this webinar to learn more about practical steps financial institutions can take to align their activities with ocean health and hear from pioneers and experts in the field of ocean finance.

Register here:



What we do


Our Company

Wave power.
To power the planet.

CorPower Ocean brings high-efficiency Wave Energy technology enabling reliable and cost-effective harvesting of electricity from ocean waves.

With our research and development spanning decades, our innovations are inspired by the pumping principle of the human heart. Ocean energy brings stability to the clean energy mix, accelerating the transition to zero-carbon energy.

Headquartered in Sweden, with offices in Portugal, Norway and Scotland, we design, build and install turnkey solutions that allow our customers to power the planet with clean energy from ocean waves.

CorPower Ocean
© 2024 All rights reserved

Headquarters: Stockholm, Sweden.
CorPower Ocean AB.
Västberga Allé 60, 126 30 Hägersten Sweden.
Corporate number: 556584-9824

What we do

Our Company

Copyright © 2024 CorPower Ocean. Headquarters:
Stockholm, Sweden. All rights reserved. CorPower Ocean
AB. Västberga Allé 60, 126 30 Hägersten Sweden.
Organisation number: 556584-9824